
Students Tutor

Who are they?

Tutors are regular students enrolled in the program who provide orientation services. These services are available to both current students and prospective students seeking more information about the program.

What do they do?

Orientation tutors provide guidance and information on:

  • How the program works, including general details for prospective students (e.g., labs, exams, textbooks, etc.)
  • The Study Plan, including correct compilation, deadlines, and submission requirements
  • Exam syllabi
  • Class schedules and lesson formats
  • Faculty office hours
  • Internships and the necessary forms
  • Opportunities for working students and the required documentation
  • Essentially everything related to the program, from academic details to administrative processes 

Why are they effective?

As current students of the program, tutors have firsthand experience with the challenges and difficulties that the average student may encounter. They know the professors, are familiar with how classes and labs are conducted, and can offer practical insights into navigating the program successfully.