The final examination consists of writing a Thesis presenting the results of an original experimental, theoretical or computational study on a research topic, supported by an adequate bibliography.
The Thesis may be written in either Italian or English. If you choose English, you must include the title and abstract in Italian. The Thesis topic can be selected from those proposed by the lecturers on the Department's website.
The research work is carried out under the supervision of an internal Supervisor (a lecturer from the programme) or an external Supervisor (a lecturer or researcher in the field of physics from Partner Universities). Given the close connection between the thesis and the internship, the request for the Supervisor must be sent to at the same time as the documents required to start the internship (refer to the dedicated page). To graduate with an internal Supervisor, you must submit the Richiesta Tesi con Relatore interno form at least 6 months before the expected graduation date. If you intend to graduate with an external Supervisor:
- Request approval from the representative of your curriculum within the Master's Degree Programme Thesis Committee.
- Complete and submit the Richiesta tesi con Relatore esterno form at least 8 months before the expected graduation date, including a description of the objectives, methods, and expected results. The form must be signed by both you and the proposed Supervisor.
Important! This procedure does NOT replace the graduation application on Online Student Service (Esse3). To graduate, you must also follow the instructions described in Graduation: General Information.
The Thesis is presented and discussed during the graduation session before a Master's Degree Examination Committee, composed of at least five members and appointed by the relevant academic bodies. You will have 35 minutes to present your Thesis, followed by 10 minutes for discussion.
Remember to send a PDF version of your thesis to within the same deadlines set for uploading the thesis to Online Student Service (Esse3). The file must not exceed 15 MB.
Thesis Abroad
If you wish to carry out all or part of your Thesis work at foreign universities and/or research institutions, you must participate in the International Mobility calls.
In this case, you can request recognition of the following as credits obtained abroad:
- 5 CFU (TAF F) for the Internship
- Up to 30 CFU (TAF E) for the Final Examination
Final Grade
The final grade is based on:
- The weighted average (according to CFU) of exam grades, expressed in 110
- Additional bonus points:
- 3 points if you complete all the exams of the two-year programme by September of the 2nd year
- 0.2 points for each distinction (lode), up to a maximum of 2 points
- Up to 6 points for the Thesis, its presentation, and discussion
If the final score reaches the maximum grade of 110/110, the committee unanimously decides whether to award honours (lode).
Department Graduation docs
University Graduation forms