- TAF - Lauree Magistrali a ciclo unico in Educazione primaria
The Study Plan is based on five types of educational activities (TAF), each assigned a specific number of credits (CFU).
The total number of credits required is at least 360 CFU.
The educational activities included are as follows:
- TAF A: Core foundational activities
- TAF B: Specialist educational activities
- TAF D: Educational activities chosen independently by the student, provided they align with the programme objectives
- TAF E: Activities related to:
- the final assessment
- verification of proficiency in at least one foreign language
- TAF F: Additional educational activities aimed at developing further language skills, as well as IT and telecommunication skills, interpersonal skills, and other competencies useful for entering the job market; these include internships and placements with external organisations
The Study Plan for each cohort, which includes the list of courses and other educational activities, is attached to the Teaching Regulations and can be accessed on the Study Plan page. Any prerequisites are outlined in the study plan for each cohort.
Courses under TAF A and B may be mandatory or optional. Optional courses (if available) must be specified when completing the study plan.
Type F activities vary and may include internships, placements, apprenticeships, and other educational activities, which may be recognised upon submission of appropriate documentation. Please refer to the dedicated pages for further information.In addition to these educational activities, students may include elective courses (TAF D) in their Study Plan, allowing them to shape their academic path based on personal interests and career goals.
Since all elective courses are activated on a yearly basis, students are advised to check annually to confirm that their desired courses are available. Courses added in future years that are subsequently not activated will need to be replaced by submitting a modification to the Study Plan.
Please note that while schedules for elective courses offered by the Study Programme are optimised to avoid conflicts with mandatory courses, compatibility with the schedules of courses from other programmes cannot be guaranteed. Students should consult the relevant timetables if they are considering courses outside their own programme.
Submit your Study Plan according to the instructions in the dedicated page, specifying the optional and elective courses of your choice.
Altre indicazioni sugli insegnamenti a scelta
Gli insegnamenti a scelta (TAF D) che è possibile inserire nel proprio Piano degli Studi comprendono:
- insegnamenti attivati annualmente ed espressamente sviluppati per le finalità formative del Corso di Studio
- insegnamenti appartenenti ad altri Corsi di Studio dell'Ateneo purché coerenti con il percorso formativo dello studente
Gli insegnamenti che possono essere inseriti nel Piano degli Studi tramite la procedura online sono approvati automaticamente.