
Tutoring Activities Carried Out by Lecturers and Professors

Career Tutor

The lecturer institutionally assigned to a student for counselling regarding their academic progress (they may also be senior students). For the Single-Cycle Master's Degree in Medicine and Surgery, Career Tutors are identified as Year Coordinators.

  • Prof. Gabriele Grassi (1st-year coordinator)
  • Prof. Alberto Tommasini (2nd-year coordinator)
  • Prof. Stella Bernardi (3rd-year coordinator)
  • Prof. Maria Assunta Cova (4th-year coordinator)
  • Prof. Nicolò de Manzini (5th-year coordinator)
  • Prof. Giacomo Emmi (6th-year coordinator)

Teaching Tutor

Provides support for the development of subject-specific and/or professional skills (this may include the course lecturer, properly trained senior students, or other appropriately selected and trained staff).

  • Prof. Marco Merlo
  • Prof. Maria Assunta Cova
  • Prof. Rossana Bussani
  • Prof. Gabriele Stocco

Internship Tutor (or Clinical Tutor)

A professional responsible for supervising students during their clinical activities at each internship site, as determined by the course's teaching schedule.

The list of Internship Tutors (or Clinical Tutors) is updated annually following approval by the Board of the Degree Course and the Departmental Council.

Tutoring Activities Carried Out by Students

Tutoring activities carried out by students and activated through a Call for Tutorial Activities provide interventions to support students facing specific difficulties in their academic journey. Student Tutors serve as a link between students and the academic structure. In particular, they can provide information on practical internship activities.
