Graduation: specific information

The final examination requires you to prepare and publicly defend an experimental Master's Thesis, presenting the results of your original scientific research, whether fundamental or applied, conducted during an internship of at least 8 months. Through your written thesis and public discussion, you must demonstrate scientific and managerial independence

The thesis, written and defended in English, is first reviewed in a degree session by an examination board consisting of lecturers or researchers from the Program Council. Each thesis is assigned to an Opponent, a faculty member responsible for reviewing the content and providing constructive feedback to enhance the final discussion. To facilitate this process, the Opponent and the board members receive a copy of the thesis before the degree session, according to deadlines established by the Program's educational regulations.


Thesis evaluation and final mark

The Degree Commission comprises five faculty members from the Department Council, appointed by the Department Director, in compliance with Article 26, Paragraph 5, of the University Educational Regulations.

The thesis grade may contribute a maximum of 7 points to the final mark, allocated as follows:

  • Up to 3 points awarded by the Supervisor.
  • Up to 2 points awarded by the Opponent.
  • Up to 2 points awarded by the Commission during the pre-degree session.
  • An additional 1 point may be awarded if the student completes the final examination by the extraordinary session of their second academic year.

The final degree mark is calculated by adding:

  • The weighted arithmetic average of marks from coursework in TAF A, TAF B, TAF C, and TAF D activities, expressed in hundredths and tenths.
  • The points awarded for the thesis and its defense during the degree session.

Distinction may be granted to candidates achieving a final mark of 110/110. The decision is at the discretion of the Examination Commission and requires a majority vote by its members.

Sessions and deadlines

Summer session

Submission of online graduation application: from 29/04/2024 to 15/05/2024

Deadlines for the 17/07/2024 session:

  • Passing the last exam: 02/07/2024
  • Cancelling the graduation application (online only): 02/07/2024
  • Changing the thesis title (online only): 02/07/2024
  • Uploading the dissertation form*: 02/07/2024
  • Uploading the thesis: 02/07/2024 by 1 PM
Autumn session

Submission of online graduation application: from 26/08/2024 to 12/09/2024

Deadlines for the 16/10/2024 session:

  • Passing the last exam: 01/10/2024
  • Cancelling the graduation application (online only): 01/10/2024
  • Changing the thesis title (online only): 01/10/2024
  • Uploading the dissertation form*: 01/10/2024
  • Uploading the thesis: 01/10/2024 by 1 PM

Deadlines for the 18/12/2024 session:

  • Passing the last exam: 03/12/2024
  • Cancelling the graduation application (online only): 03/12/2024
  • Changing the thesis title (online only): 03/12/2024
  • Uploading the dissertation form*: 03/12/2024
  • Uploading the thesis: 03/12/2024 by 1 PM
Extraordinary session

Submission of online graduation application: from 07/01/2025 to 23/01/2025

Deadlines for the 19/03/2025 session:

  • Passing the last exam: 04/03/2025
  • Cancelling the graduation application (online only): 04/03/2025
  • Changing the thesis title (online only): 04/03/2025
  • Uploading the dissertation form*: 04/03/2025
  • Uploading the thesis: 04/03/2025 by 1 PM

*The dissertation form can be downloaded after submitting the online graduation application